Yvan Loubier

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At NATIONAL, Yvan advises clients in the private and public sectors on issues of concern to Quebec and Canada, including regional economic development and social acceptability. He represents companies in the energy, mining, forestry and food-processing sectors. He also worked with representatives of First Nations communities, including elected representatives in northern Quebec and the North Shore region,on projects such as the Romaine River hydroelectric project and the Quebec government’s plan for the north. He is currently working with Inuit communities in Nunavik to improve the state of housing and the quality of the environment. Yvan is a regular contributor to daily papers like La Presse and Le Soleil, commenting on national and international economic issues. He holds a BA and an MA in economics from the Université de Montréal. Before joining NATIONAL, Yvan was a federal MP and the Opposition critic for finance as well as Native affairs.