Naviguer la rupture et le changement post-Brexit

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Notre compagnie sœur londonienne Madano vient d’annoncer la mise sur pied d’un partenariat avec BOLDT, une firme de stratégie conseil avec des bureaux à Bruxelles, Cologne, Oslo et Zurich, pour offrir des services d’affaires publiques et de communications pour les entreprises qui se retrouvent en plein cœur des enjeux Brexit. Alors que les négociations sur les relations futures entre le Royaume-Uni et l’Europe entrent dans une nouvelle phase critique, le partenariat vise à outiller les entreprises et organisations à comprendre, voire influencer et gérer le processus.
À ce titre, Madano et BOLDT viennent de publier Managing Brexit, l’échéancier le plus complet à ce jour des dates clés pour que les parties prenantes puissent s’inscrire dans le processus.
Les secteurs clé d’expertise incluent la construction et l’immobilier, l’énergie, les services financiers, la santé et le pharmaceutique, les technologies et le transport. (Le billet est en anglais.)
Our London-based AVENIR GLOBAL sister company Madano and BOLDT – a business strategy and communications consultancy with offices in Brussels, Cologne, Oslo and Zurich – have announced the launch of a strategic partnership focusing on Brexit-related services.
The partnership is an offer of seamless public affairs and communications services on both sides of the Channel for companies at risk of disruption and change. As the negotiations on the UK’s future relationship with the EU enter a critical new phase, the Madano-BOLDT 'Leading on #Brexit' partnership seeks to equip companies and organisations with the ability to understand, influence and manage the process. Key sectors in which the partnership has expertise include construction & real estate, energy, financial services, food & drink, healthcare & pharma, technology and transport.
To mark the launch of their strategic partnership, BOLDT and Madano unveiled Managing Brexit, the most comprehensive timeline to date of opportunities for companies and organisations to engage with the Brexit process.
“As we’ve seen in the media in recent days, companies of all shapes and sizes are increasingly concerned at the potential for serious disruption to their businesses if they don’t plan ahead for all potential Brexit-related scenarios. Businesses need to take the lead on Brexit – this partnership offer combining expertise in both Brussels and London – enables clients to do this.” - Michael Zdanowski, Director, Madano
“For companies, trade associations, NGOs, citizens and others who have a stake in Brexit negotiations, the time to engage is now. Linking up with Madano strengthens our ability to help our clients navigate and engage with the Brexit process, making sure that their voice is heard in Brussels, London and other EU capitals at the optimal time.” - Michiel van Hulten, Partner, BOLDT
In March 2018, BOLDT and Madano launched What do European and UK companies think of Brexit? A social media perspective, which examined the attitudes of UK and European companies to Brexit.
——— Michael Zdanowski était directeur à Madano, société sœur du Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL