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Chez NATIONAL et AXON, on a le cœur, l’énergie, le dévouement et le désir de faire une différence. Et c’est exactement qu’on a fait lors de La Révolution FRDJ Roulons pour vaincre le diabète qui avait lieu à Toronto la semaine dernière. Notre collègue d’AXON CTS Daniella McCrorie nous partage aujourd’hui l’expérience mémorable qu’elle et 15 autres membres de la Firme ont vécue. À peine leur souffle retrouvé, ils sont déjà prêts à recommencer le défi l’année prochaine. (Le billet est en anglais.)
Can you recall a time when you laughed so hard your cheeks hurt? You pushed yourself to the max, resulting in wobbly legs? Your voice turned hoarse after a whole lot of cheering and woo-hooing? Imagine all three of these things combined; this was how our AXON Clinical Trial Services and NATIONAL Toronto Healthcare teams felt while participating in the JDRF 2016 Revolution Ride.
On Friday, September 30 we joined forces as Team Spokespeople and cycled in this stationary bike-a-thon held at Yonge Dundas Square. We cycled our hearts out in support of JDRF to raise money to cure type 1 diabetes. Let’s take a look at the numbers:
- We had 4 teams of Spokespeople
- A total of 16 team members participated
- Each team member rode on the stationary bike for at least 7 minutes (some took on double duty for those who were unable to attend; there are sweaty pictures to prove it, though I am not at liberty to share them)
- Our fundraising goal was $2,000
- We raised $3,015 and surpassed our goal by $1,015!
Through participating in this event, we learned a few things: our Toronto office colleagues will open their wallets for baked goods, we are a competitive group, and together we can make a difference! Surpassing our fundraising goal would not have been possible without the generous support of our family, friends, and colleagues – a big thank you to everyone who supported us!
Look out for us next year, Team Spokespeople is out to conquer ride distances, fundraising goals, and type 1 diabetes!
——— Daniella McCrorie était vice-présidente à AXON, société sœur du Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL