Understanding Quebec’s proposed healthcare reform: NATIONAL experts

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The precarious state of Quebec’s finances is an open secret, and the obstacles are multiplying despite the Couillard government’s seemingly unshakeable will. The challenges are especially strong in the fields of health and education, where decisions have inevitable consequences.
In this paper, Miriam Bard-Dumont, Nathalie Veilleux and Martin Daraiche of NATIONAL’s Quebec City office delve into the reform promised by the Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr. Gaétan Barrette. In the coming months, other bills will be adopted and should result in substantial savings, namely with the new product listing agreements (PLAs) and the upcoming changes in medical activity funding.
Will Minister Barrette rise to the challenge? With another three years of Liberal rule, he will no doubt have time to reassess many tenets of the province’s healthcare system.
Download the document below to read our experts’ complete analysis. To that effect, the team will also take part in the Market Access Canada Summit in Toronto next week to present the most recent policy changes and industry developments in Quebec.