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Those of us who work in politics often have a hard time seeing beyond 'the bubble'. We tend to break everything down in electoral implications and over analyze the optics of a politician's lunch order. Most of us are well aware of this, and even embrace it: it's what we do and love. That said, everyone need perspective, and no one can provide perspective better than parents. Father's Day is a great opportunity to take stock, call our parents and remember that there is a world outside of the Ottawa bubble. NATIONAL's Ottawa office did just that, and asked our parents for their views on politics.
Members of the office asked their parents various political questions and opinions, some simple and some complex. Needless to say, our parents had some hot takes on the world of politics.
A mom’s perspective on women running for political office:
Question: What are your thoughts on the rising demand for women to run for political office?
Answer: As a mom of three daughters, I rejoice at the thought that more women are willing to take the risk of running and losing OR running and winning their election race.
There is no doubt that women bring a different and valuable perspective to politics.
Regardless, I am a firm believer that all roles in our political system, and in fact elsewhere, must be examined and chosen due to the strengths, performance, eligibility and integrity that the candidate has proven, regardless of sex, religious beliefs, colour orheritage.
A British father-in-law’s view of Canadian politics:
"Canada respects the election results, but be careful who you vote in. I like Tony Benn's (British MP) requirements of a politician: Who voted you in? Who should you serve? Who do you serve? And how can they vote you out?"
A dad and small business owner from Eastern Ontario’s take of federal politics:
"I wish Trudeau knew what the opposite side of the balance sheet looks like for the average person."
A mom and Canadian expat’s view on recent political developments:
"The pipeline is a mess, Trudeau has lost his luster, but Trump has handed him a gift."
An academic Q&A with one of our fathers:
Question: What do you think about the current Canada-US trade dispute?
Answer: Protectionism led to the 1929 world depression leading to World War II...very dangerous...Trump is leading America to a place it does not want to be in the long run. Trump is like a CEO, as if the Government of America is a business. Confrontationally ignoring the rules of his country to help establish himself with respect to international trade. He does not listen to advisors who have a better grasp of history and economics. I can go on and on...
Question: What do you think about Canada abstaining at United Nations on the anti-Israel resolution, changing recent trend of Canada voting against such biased resolutions?
Answer: Sometimes abstaining is based on the detailed wording of the motion. Having said that, abstaining is much better than voting in favour and I am disappointed that a democracy cannot support the only TRUE democracy on the Asian continent, not only the Middle East.
A father’s view on Trudeau and Trump:
"Trump is a bully and doesn't respect his staff. Trudeau is soft and tries to please everybody. He only wears the fancy socks to get attention."
——— Joseph Finkle is a former Senior Consultant at NATIONAL Public Relations